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History of Kermeta development

Repository head

V1.4.1 (11/6/2010)

Bug fixed

  • Fixed launcher of Compiler V2 (which remains experimental).

V1.4.0 (31/1/2010)

New features

  • It is now possible to add an @deprecated tag to prevent from using some features. (feature request #5272).
  • Collections now implement an each operation that provides contextual informations like "first element", "last element", "element count" during the iteration . (feature request #9331).
  • Added an "Extended error view" which allows to see the details of a given error even if it contains many informations on many lines. (feature request #8099). It works by selecting an error in the standard error view or by hovering your mouse over an error.

Improved features

Bug fixed

V1.3.2 (27/10/2009)

New features

  • It is now possible to add an opposite to a reference or attribute by aspect and support model loading conformant to this specification (feature request #7637).
  • It is now possible to load a resource that comes from EMF EPackage registry in order to create ecore models that depends on the nsURI instead of a file. (feature request #7944).
  • New action UMLprofile2ecore. It is now possible to transform a uml profile into an ecore for use with kermeta via a right click on the uml file (feature request #7946).
  • Added a checkInvariant thats check only one invariant. You can now control the way the invariants will be checked. (feature request #4342) (The implementation is still partial since the current checkAllInvariants still uses the old way and not this new operation.)
  • Require can now use "platform:/lookup/" in addition to "platform:/plugin" and "platform:/resource". The current implementation of the lookup searches in resource (ie. workspace) first, then, if not found, searches in plugin. (feature request #6568 and feature request #8783) This greatly eases the development of kermeta code that is intended to be deployed in a plugin later.

Improved features

  • Several compiler improvements : "Filter the main operations to limit the runners generation" (feature request #7578), "Add an action to create the * file" (feature request #7584) and "Enable to add operation to the EClass EObject by aspect" (feature request #7740).
  • EPackage registration improvements : now the EPackage registry view display all the declared nsURI, even those that haven't been loaded yet. It also displays the plugin name for those that comes from a plugin (feature request #7884) added a new action on Ecore : EPackage "re-"registration (feature request #7672).
  • FileIO improvement : Save text file with a specific encoding (feature request #7699).
  • Date improvement : Added an operation on Date for getting the current date (feature request #7742).

Bug fixed

V1.3.0 (09/03/2009)

New features

  • A compiler for you kermeta code. Still experimental in this version, it generates the all the java code to be run with EMF. You can deploy the resulting code in your product without installing kermeta in your product. Preliminary tests have shown x35 to x50 speed up compared to the interpreted mode. However, some feature of kermeta are still not supported by the compiler (see the current limitations : )
  • Kompose is now part of Kermeta update site : it allows to define a specialization to compose your model. Currently, it is bundled with the following sample specialization : Ecore and rdbschema.
  • Singleton pattern with Kermeta (feature request #7228). Thanks to Kermeta aspects, you can now use a pseudo singleton in your kermeta code. Be sure to use it only when there is no better design.
  • Date manipulation. (Feature request #7240)
  • Possibility to register an ecore file directly from Kermeta. ( feature request #6810). It uses a safe way to register, if the nsUri is already registered form a plugin it will do nothing.

Improved features

  • Ket now supports kermeta aspect. You can customize the name of the "generate" operation and weave it into an existing class. (see Feature request #6976)
  • Better support for invariants : An attribute has been added to the exception InvariantViolated that point to the invariant itself. This allows analysis of the invariant for feedback to the end-user. (this part of Feature request #1120)
  • New MDK dedicated to manipulating kermeta models. All special helpers and functions are now gathered in this MDK rather that put into the framework.
  • Improved navigability from the outline (Feature request #5685)
  • kpm preferences now allow to exclude projects and folder (feature request #6647)

Bug fixed

V1.2.0 (01/10/2008)

New features

  • Better support for invariants : CheckInvariant now also checks the multiplicities. An attribute has been added to the exception InvariantViolated that point to the faulty object. This allows a recovery and /or analysis of the invariant.
  • Added a preference page to let the user select which logger he wants to use and select the configuration file for log4j
  • Added a preference page to let the user configure some options of KPM. Also added a recovery button to reset KPM to its default configuration.
  • Improved feedback on some errors and exceptions. (For example, ResourceSaveException has now a new attribute pointing to the faulty instance)
  • Improved stop button (now you can stop kermeta, you'll get a stacktrace of the last instruction run)
  • A view dedicated to see kermeta documentation of your code in the same spirit as javadoc. (see Feature request #2066)

Improved features

  • Kermeta perspective displays some additional useful wizards for Metamodel engineering.
  • Improved KermetaDoc view.

Bug fixed

V1.1.0 (03/03/2008)

New features

Bug fixed

V1.0.0 (29/01/2008)

New features

  • Removal of the "kermeta::reflexion" package. This greatly simplifies the reflexivity without loss thanks to the use of aspect on Kermeta framework itself. If some of your code were using it, you simply have to replace all "kermeta::reflexion" by ""kermeta::language::structure".
  • Added dedicated keyword "aspect" in order to replace the old @aspect "true" syntax. The old syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
  • Deployment of the first version of a UML MDK for basic support of UML and its profiles. (contributions are welcome)

Bug fixed

  • Fixed various bugs in the outline and in the reactivity of the textual editor.

V0.99.0 (21/12/2007)

AKA V1.0.0 Release candidate

New features

Bug fixed

V0.5.2 (19/10/2007)

Various bug fix

V0.5.1 (20/09/2007)

Various bug fix

V0.5.0 (13/07/2007)

New features

This is the first release developed for Eclipse 3.3

Bug fixed

TODO (enter the bug that were fixed here)

V0.4.2 (11/07/2007)

New features

This is the last release developed for Eclipse 3.2

Bug fixed

V0.4.1 (04/05/2007)

New features

Bug fixed

V0.4.0 (28/01/2007)

New features

  • Kermeta project nature is now useful: It supports a workbench rule engine for running automated task. So, whenever a file change it can activate some rules. Typically, it will be used to produce a km or an ecore corresponding to a kmt file. The rules can be customized through the kpm model (Kermeta Project Manager) You can even provide your own rules using Eclipse extension points. (In future release you'll be able to run kermeta transformations)
  • #1411; add a test that check that java5 is used
  • #1291;Improvement of syntax of pre/post conditions

Bug fixed

V0.3.2 (03/11/2006)

New features

Bug fixed

V0.3.1 (04/10/2006)

New features

Bug fixed

V0.3.0 (19/08/2006)

New features

  • This version works with Eclipse 3.2 and EMF 2.2.0, doesn't work correctly anymore with previous versions of EMF

Bug fixed

V0.2.2 (22/06/2006)

New features

  • #146; Contract support in Kermeta Jean-Marie and Cyril have developped the first version of contracts for Kermeta. It currently uses only Kermeta surface syntax. It fully supports pre/post when calling operations, and provides checkInvariant methods on Object. However, the metamodel is ready to support OCL syntax in the future. The control on pre/post verification is very basic (on/off) and may be improved later
  • #520; Multiple Consoles for different Kermeta App Instances

Bug fixed

We have also improved the distribution packages. Now, if you want to install Kermeta, the update site provides Kermeta and all its dependent plugins (we have mirrored them). The installation is much simplier: Download Java5 and Eclipse, install Java, unzip eclipse, set up the update site and install everything from there... The graphical editor has also been separated so you may use kermeta even without all the plugins related to this (Topcased and all its dependecies).

V0.2.1 (19/04/2006)

Bug fixed

V0.2.0 (07/04/2006)

New features

  • #147; Dedicated Graphical editor for Kermeta This is the first version of a graphical editor for Kermeta (generated with TopcaseD) feel free to report any missing feature and bugs ...
  • #255; Metamodel of kermeta km file is not the same as internal kermeta view We have done a big refactoring to the internal EMF structure so it will store kermeta models (ie. *.km files) with exactly the same representation as the one viewed from the reflexivity within Kermeta. Please note that older km file are no longer compatible, you have to regenerate them

Bug fixed


  • Some improvements in the TouchNavigator (graphical improvement and no more hang up on start of the view)

V0.1.1 (30/01/2006)

New features

  • #119; Ecore PackageMerge. Simply select 2 or more ecore files and merge them...
  • Alpha version of the Class TouchNavigator view. This view will help you to understand your kermeta models in an uncommon way. It dynamically displays a kind of class diagram centered on your selection. Click on an element to expand this node. Let your mouse over a node and it will display the documentation of this class. Feel free to suggest new improvements...

Bug fixed


  • Update of the user interface documentation.

V0.1.0 (20/12/2005)

New features

  • Kermeta has now a debugger ! It has the usual features of debuggers : breakpoints, step in, step over, resume, stop, etc

Bug fixed


  • Some improvements in the content of the hovertext in the text editor
  • Update of the interpreter javadoc in the eclipse help.

V0.0.18 (02/12/2005)


Bug fixed

V0.0.17 (09/11/2005)


Bug fixed


  • Kermeta Eclipse update site has changed:
  • various models are now deployed within the Kermeta plugin (kermeta.ecore, kermeta_java.ecore, ecore.ecore, ecore.kmt)

V0.0.16 (12/09/2005)


  • Better interpreter performances. (Increased by 20)
  • New tutorial about load and save EMF model with Kermeta

Bug fixed

  • some minor bug fixes

V0.0.15 (30/08/2005)


  • better exception handling

Bug fixed

V0.0.14 (22/08/2005)

New features

  • save of EMF model instances from kermeta to xmi files and load EMF xmi->Kermeta.
  • support of the traceability model for transformations kmt2ecore, kmt2km, km2ecore and ecore2kmt(partial)
  • ecore2kermeta transformation improved for ecore models that contain operation bodies stored as annotations


Bug fixed

V0.0.13 (22/07/2005)

New features

  • load of model instances stored in xmi into kermeta.
  • kermeta2ecore transformation (kermeta bodies are stored in annotations)
  • km2kermeta, km2ecore transformations


  • ecore2kermeta uses a wizard to allow control on some simple quick fixes done during the transformation.
  • better error reporting on all xxx2yyy transformations.

Bug fixed

V0.0.12 (13/07/2005)

  • Many bug fixes, (including an annoying OutOfMemory error).
  • Improvement of the launch menu. (faster and more reliable).
  • Implementation a clone method.
  • Development  CVS moved to

V0.0.7 (03/06/2005)


  • Bug fix in the transfo ecore 2 kermeta
  • Bug fix in the interpretation of lambda expressions

GUI improvements

  • Memory leak fixed in the plugin
  • ID of the text editor fixed

Known limitations (not implemented and/or not tested)

  • derived properties not implemented
  • Annotations processing needs to be fixed
  • The use of non unique properties has a random behavior
  • Error reporting when an exception is raised should be improved (acsessing the stack trace in kermeta should be possible)

Known bugs

  • Run does not work correctly under windows
  • a ; after require kermeta invalidate the remaining of the kmt file
  • product types cannot reference twice the same type
  • The interpreter uses too much memory.

V0.0.6 (01/06/2005)

GUI improvements 

  • Kermeta perspective
  • Kermeta project / file
  • Kermeta run compatible with "eclipse run policy" improvements
  • Transformation ECore 2 Kermeta available
  • Added support for exception handeling
  • Support for containement and opposite properties fixed
  • Added support for dynamic casts
  • Reflection on generic types fully implemented

V0.0.5 (20/05/2005)


  • Added suport for Enumerations
  • Bug fix in the framework and interpreter

V0.0.4 (17/05/2005)

features (not fully tested)

  • Texteditor
  • Outline
  • Run from the resou
  • Help

known limitations (not implemented and/or not tested)

  • exceptions can be thrown but not caught
  • Enumeration cannot be used
  • Casts are not checked
  • handling of opposite property does not work properly
  • handling of objects contained does not work properly
  • Reflection on generic types is not fully implemented
  • framework is not complete and not fully tested known bugs
  • a ; after require kermeta invalidate the remaining of the kmt file
  • product types cannot reference twice the same type