Tutorials for Kermeta V1
Up one levelTutorials written for Kermeta V1.
The philosophy is the same between V1 and V2 and most of them can be reused from one version to the other. However, the reader may need to do some adaptation by himself.
Some of these tutorials have been (or are in the process of being) rewritten for Kermeta 2.
Building DSL tutorials
- A set of tutorials explaining the proposed process for building a DSL using kermeta ecosytem. (Documentation written for Kermeta V1.X, migration in process)
Task Oriented tutorials
- Several tutorial explaining a given task in details. (Documentation written for Kermeta V1.X, some details may vary if used on Kermeta2, migration in process)
Tutorial: How to install Kermeta (V1.x)
- Note: thispresent the installation process of kermeta V1. If you are looking for installing Kermeta 2, please go back on the main download page.
Lesson : model transformation with Kermeta
- Sébastien Mosser's lesson about model transformation with Kermeta
OMG 2007 slides
- Slides presented to the OMG Jacksonville in nov 2007
OpenEmbeDD Training
- Training developed for OpenEmbeDD