Erwan Brottier, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, David Touzet, and Bertrand Nicolas (2007)
Producing a Global Requirement Model from Multiple Requirement Specifications
In: EDOC'07 (Entreprise Distributed Object Computing Conference), Annapolis, MD, USA.
Requirements documentation is a collection of partial specifications
produced by different stakeholders. Obtaining a global specification
is a fundamental step of a requirement analysis process. Merging
requirement specifications is indeed a way to reveal inconsistencies
between them. We propose in this paper a model-driven mechanism for
that purpose. It takes as inputs a set of texts or models which conform
to input requirement languages and produces a global requirements
model. This mechanism is integrated in a platform called R2A which
stands for “requirements to analysis”. The R2A core element is its
core requirement metamodel which has been defined for capturing the
global requirements model. We illustrate our approach with requirement
specifications expressed in a constrained natural language. This
platform and its mechanism have been completely implemented with
MDE (Model Driven Engineering) technologies. As such, it is a good
example of how MDE technologies can contribute to requirements engineering
as a technical solution.