2.5.  File dependency : structuring code

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Kermeta code can be quite large, and invloves many classes in different metamodels. The main mechanism used to organise your code is the require statement.

2.5.1. Require

When you need to refer explicitly another entity defined in another file, you have to use the require primitive. It allows loading definitions of an other Kermeta file when file is processed. In the following example, we define a class C which inherits from the A class previously defined.

// file : MyPackage-part1.kmt
package subPackage1;

class A 
  // ...
// file : MyPackage-part2.kmt
package MyPackage;
require "MyPackage-part1.kmt"

class C inherits subPackage1::A 
	// ...

In most case, the order of the declaration in not important. The only exception is a very rare situation related to aspects (see Section 2.22, “ Weaving Kermeta code ” ).


You can create cyclic dependencies of files, the environment will deal with that.

2.5.2. Accepted require content

You can require different kind of entity

Obvioulsy, you can require Kermeta textual syntax, ie. *.kmt files

You can require Kermeta models, ie. *.km files .

You can require Ecore models, ie. *.ecore files . These models can then be used as if they were written in Kermeta. In order to add behavior to the classes defined in .ecore files you may : use the weaving to dynamically weave behavior to the ecore, or roundtrip using the button action in the workbench (ecore->kmt->ecore) to statically add the behavior (as EAnnotations) into the ecore file.


A special attention must be put when requiring resources. It is not allowed to get several versions of the same class that comes from several required files. Kermeta cannot know which version it must use, so you'll get an error.

A typical error, is to require both an ecore file and the registered version of it. They represent two distinct resources in memory.

A more clever error, is when the two versions are hidden inside an erroneous ecore file which uses several ways to access some metaclass and actually is not consistent. (ex: you find references to both http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore and platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore in the ecore file or one of the dependent files)

In order to use the seamless java import (still prototype in v0.4.2), you can require a jar file . It will automatically convert the java into a Kermeta representation in order to be able to call java code as if it was written in Kermeta. see Section 2.24, “Using existing java code in Kermeta ” for more details.

2.5.3. Supported protocols

Kermeta reuse some of the protocols provided by Eclipse.

Relative path.  You can use a path relative to the current file using the normal syntax (./ , ../, etc)

Eclipse workspace relative path.  In Eclipse, you can use a path relative to the user's workspace. In that case the path looks like platform:/resource/ your_project_name / path_to_the_file

Eclipse plugin relative path.  In Eclipse, you can use a path that search in the installed plugins. In that case the path looks like platform:/plugin/ plugin_name / path_to_the_file

Eclipse workspace or plugin relative path.  When deploying Kermeta code, it is sometime interesting to search in both the user's workspace and in the plugins. In that case the path looks like platform:/lookup/ plugin_or_project_name / path_to_the_file


This platform:/lookup/ is available in Kermeta only, and only in the require statement.

Be careful, using the current version (Kermeta 1.3.1) since a deployed plugin using this protocol may be modified by the user's workspace content!

Registered Ecore.  A variant of requiring an ecore file is to require a registered EPackage . When Eclipse deploys an ecore model plugin, it also registers the EPackage using a unique identifier (nsuri) in order to retreive it quickly. In Kermeta you can also use this nsuri into the require statement. This approach is useful because you can be sure that you require the very same model as Eclipse use to load and save models of that sort. For example, instead of requiring ecore.ecore you may use require "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" . This also works for all other registered metamodels (Your own registered metamodel, UML metamodel, etc). Kermeta user interface provides a view that display all registered EPackages and their nsuri.

2.5.4. Organizing code

Kermeta lets you organise your code the way you prefer. There is no predefined organisation of your code, but the language and the workbench proposes various mechanisms and tools to structure it according to your needs and the style you wish for your code. Typically if you use Kermeta internal weaver (see Section 2.22, “ Weaving Kermeta code ” ), manually transform your ecore into Kermeta, eventually weaving the ecore using the merge button available on the worbench.

For example, you can put all your classes into a single file (like in Ecore, every classes is in the .ecore file) or you may create a file for each of them and then use the require to indicates that they must know each other. You can also use an organisation like java, with a file per class and a directory per package.