Tutorial : Building a DSL using Kermeta

FSM example

François Tanguy, Didier Vojtisek, Zoé Drey, Marie Gouyette

Build date: 3-November-2010

Last modification: $Date:: 2010-05-25 08:39:54#$


This tutorial is part of a serie of tutorials that explain step by step the process explained in the Building DSL main process. In this case, it rely on the classical Finite State Machine example.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1. Prerequisites
2.1.1. Required knowledge
2.2. Install FSM project
2.2.1. Install FSM tutorial
2.2.2. Install the tutorial 's solution
3. Define the FSM metamodel
3.1. Fsm metamodel presentation
3.2. Create the fsm meta-model
4. Editor
4.1. Dynamic instances
4.2. Tree view editor
4.2.1. Generate the editor
4.2.2. Use the editor
4.3. Textual editors
4.4. Graphical editors
5. Model manipulation in Kermeta
5.1. Create a new Kermeta file
5.2. Package registry
5.3. Serialisation
5.3.1. Load an EMF model with Kermeta
5.3.2. Modify and save an EMF model with Kermeta
5.3.3. Create a model in Kermeta, and save it as an EMF model
5.3.4. A template for a complete Kermeta program
5.3.5. Load and save for models divided into several resources
6. Check model
7. Design by contract
7.1. Run configurations
7.1.1. An entry point for the program
7.1.2. Execution without parameters
7.1.3. Execution with parameter(s)
7.2. Constraints checking execution sample
7.2.1. Pre condition violation
7.2.2. Post condition violation
8. Behaviour
8.1. Expected behaviour for this tutorial
8.2. Structuration of this behavior with aspects
8.3. Behavior algorithms
8.3.1. Run algorithm
8.3.2. Step algorithm
8.3.3. Fire algorithm
8.4. Run an fsm example of behaviour
9. Model Transformation
10. UI improvements
10.1. Customize the generated EMF editor
10.1.1. Change the editor's icons
10.1.2. Change text presentation
11. Conclusion


Kermeta is a Domain Specific Language dedicated to metamodel engineering. It fills the gap let by MOF which defines only the structure of metamodels, by adding a way to specify static semantic (similar to OCL) and dynamic semantic (using operational semantic in the operation of the metamodel). Kermeta uses the object-oriented paradigm like Java or Eiffel.This document presents various aspects of the language, including the textual syntax, the metamodel (which can be viewed as the abstract syntax) and some more advanced features typically included in its framework.


Kermeta is an evolving software and despite that we put a lot of attention to this document, it may contain errors (more likely in the code samples). If you find any error or have some information that improves this document, please send it to us using the bug tracker in the forge: http://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/?group_id=32 or using the developer mailing list (kermeta-developers@lists.gforge.inria.fr) Last check: v1.3.2


The most update version of this document is available on line from http://www.kermeta.org .

Chapter 1. Introduction

This tutorial gives an overview of many concepts used through KerMeta project creation. You can retrieve all the steps defined in the Manual Process to build a DSL on which you can iterate in order to progress in your development. Following this tutorial should give you the knowledge : to create a meta model, check its invariants, run configurations, add pre and post conditions and add behaviour on it. To cover all this features, we decided to start from an existing example. Because it is a complete KerMeta project, you should use it as a reference guide. This example is about the finite state machine which acronym is FSM. Firstly, a section explains how to load files of the example in your Eclipse workspace. The next section is dedicated to the finite state machine we want to model. You will have access to every files. Then we present the features presented above. Moreover, we present here examples of graphical editors but this step comes only when the metamodel is stabilized. In this tutorial we will have access to the base project in order to follow it (cf section Install FSM project) . You can have also have access of the solution of this tutorial ( cf section Install the tutorial 's solution )

Chapter 2. Installation

2.1.  Prerequisites


KerMeta must be installed (FSM tutorial is only available in this case). If not, please read the "How to install KerMeta" tutorial.

2.1.1. Required knowledge

  1. People who read this document need to have some knowledge about either EMOF or ECore metamodels

  2. Since ecore is used, people should have a minimal knowledge, as end-users, of Eclipse development environment.

2.2.  Install FSM project

2.2.1.  Install FSM tutorial

We start from the main Eclipse window.

Eclipse window

Figure 2.1.  Eclipse window

Select : "File" > "New">> "Example.. A window appears. You are asked to choose a wizard for project creation. At the bottom of the list, you will find "Kermeta samples" item. Browse it and select "FSM tutorial Demo". The "Finish" button has been enabled. Click on it.

Wizard for selection

Figure 2.2.  Wizard for selection

Thanks to the wizard creation project, a project named "fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect" appeared on the left side of Eclipse.

View of the example project

Figure 2.3.  View of the example project

2.2.2. Install the tutorial 's solution

If you directly want to see the results, the solutions are available into File -> New -> Example -> Kermeta Samples -> FSM Solutions.

Now, you have the reference project and you can follow the tutorial.The next chapter presents the metamodel used in this tutorial.

Chapter 3. Define the FSM metamodel

3.1.  Fsm metamodel presentation

We want to represent IO/state machines. Inputs and outputs can be attached on each transition. To illustrate finite state machine, here is a simple example. This state machine recognizes the "hello!" motif and produces the "world!" motif. Here, we present this finite-state machine in a specific graphical syntax where states are represented as squares and transitions by arrow between squares. Input and outputs are present above transitions. Here, "h/w" says that we consume an "h" to produce a "w".

Example of IO/State machines

Figure 3.1.  Example of IO/State machines

This simple state machine can be modeled and executed easily in Kermeta. See the following meta-model presented in a class diagram syntax. You can retrieve this metamodel named fsm.ecore into fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect/metamodels/fsm.ecore

FSM metamodel

Figure 3.2.  FSM metamodel

3.2. Create the fsm meta-model

In this tutorial we want to create the fsm metamodel with EMF. To start with, create a new EMF project (File-> New-> Other -> Eclipse Modeling Framework -> Empty EMF Project) and name it org.kermeta.fsm.emf . Then create a new folder model on it. If you want to create an EMF metamodel for fsm from scratch you can follow the tutorial "How to create an EMF meta model?"" and use the EMF Sample reflexive editor to create a metamodel like in the following figure into the folder model. Name it fsm.ecore. Otherwise, you can simply copy the file fsm.ecore from fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect/metamodels/fsm.ecore to org.kermeta.fsm.emf/model folder.


An FSM EMF editor is ever deployed into the Kermeta Eclipse. It is available in File-> New -> Other -> Kermeta -> FSM Samples -> Fsm Model.

At this stage of the tutorial, you should have the following metamodel:

A simple fsm metamodel

Figure 3.3.  A simple fsm metamodel

Then you can use this metamodel to create instances of models conform to it, like detailed in the next section.

Chapter 4. Editor

In this chapter we present how to create instances of the Fsm metamodel. You can use two ways to do that, creating dynamic instances directly or using an EMF tree editor.

4.1. Dynamic instances

Like shown in the Process tutorial create a dynamic instance is an easy way to create an instance of a metamodel during the first development phases. To do so :

  1. Create a new folder dynamic_instance in org.eclipse.fsm.emf .Open the fsm.ecore file with the Sample Ecore Model Editor (Right click on the file -> Open with -> Sample Reflective Ecore Model Editor)

  2. To open the content of thid file click on the arrows at the left. Then, right click on the FSM metaclass -> Create Dynamic Instance and select the folder dynamic_instance. Name your instance fsm.xmi.

Create dynamic instance from an Ecore file

Figure 4.1. Create dynamic instance from an Ecore file

Open this instance with the Sample Reflexive Ecore Model Editor (like shown above). You can add two State st1 and st2 on the FSM class and then a transition a that produce b between st1 and st2 like in the following image :

Example of dynamic instance

Figure 4.2.  Example of dynamic instance

The Logo tutorial ( chapter 4 Editor, section 4.1 Dynamic Instance) presents how to create a dynamic instance with an ecorediag. The next section presents another way to create instances of a given metamodel, create a tree view editor with an EMF project.

4.2. Tree view editor

Tree view editors should be favoured for meta-models that are relatively stable and for final development phase. It allows to customize the generated editor to match meta-model specificities. (see the end of this article: Eclipse Corner Article : Using EMF)

4.2.1. Generate the editor

This is the most ergonomic – but longest – way to create an instance of a meta-model. This method is here presented in its main lines:

  1. Create a new project and a new ecore metamodel ( this step was ever made in the section Create the fsm meta-model )

  2. Once the meta-model is created, it is possible to create a model for model generation, called genmodel:

    1. Right click on the file fsm.ecore New > Other > Eclipse Modeling Framework folder > EMF Generator Model and select Next;

    2. Keep the proposed name (fsm.genmodel) and click on Next. Then, select Ecore model in the following wizard and click on Next;

    3. Here, the metamodel is ever selected. Otherwise, select Browse workspace button, and find the meta-model file (fsm.ecore into or.kermeta.fsm.emf/model). Then click on Load button and on Next;

    4. Select the package fsm at the top of the window and click on Finish

    5. In order to avoid weird behaviour (particularly if the current project was not set as a “Java project”) the model directory of the genmodel needs to be changed in the Properties tab of the genmodel. For this purpose, click on the root node of the fsm.genmodel and change the property called Model Directory (in the Model folder) to /org.kermeta.fsm.emf.model/src, so that the EMF source code is generated in a new empty project that will exclusively contain this source code. You need also to change the property Model Plug-in ID to org.kermeta.fsm.emf.model .

      Model Directory Property

      Figure 4.3.  Model Directory Property

    6. Right-click on the package node of the fsm.genmodel (second sub node, it corresponds to the fsm package), and choose the Generate all item.

You should obtain the following plugins (if we not consider the folder dynamic_instance which is not linked with the EMF editor creation) :

Plugins Generated with EMF

Figure 4.4. Plugins Generated with EMF

You can customize this EMF editor following the example given on the section Customize the generated EMF editor . The next section presents how to use this newly created tree view editor.

4.2.2. Use the editor

To be able to use the generated reflexive editor, a new runtime workbench has to be launched through the tool bar menu:

  1. In Eclipse Galileo (3.5), right click on org.kermeta.fsm.emf.editor and select Run As -> Eclipse Application

  2. Once the new eclipse application is launched, create a new General project (File -> New -> Other-> General -> Project). Call it MyFirstEMFInstances). Then select File > New > Other > Example EMF Model Creation Wizards folder > Fsm Model to create your instance file and choose FSM as Model Object;

  3. To add elements to your model just right click on the FSM container and add new Child or new Sibling like in metamodels 's creation steps (cf fsm.xmi example in the section Dynamic Instances ;

[Note] Parallelism between edit a model or a metamodel

Creation of an EMF model follows the same principles that the creation of an Ecore model. Note that the model object, which was EPackage in the meta-model creation, becomes Fsm in the EMF model creation.

You can use another editors to create instances models such as graphical or textual editors. The following sections presents rapidly this kind of editors.

4.3.  Textual editors

You can also use textuals editors like XText , EMFText, Sintaks (which is part of the Kermeta project) . This textuals editors are not detailed here, please refer to the Logo tutorial (chapter 4 Editor, section 4.3 Textual Editor).

4.4.  Graphical editors

EMF metamodels can be used with tools like GMF (Graphical Modelling Framework) or Topcased (the FSM Diagram from Kermeta -> Samples FSM was created with Topcased) to create graphical editors for model instances. The tutorial How to create a FSM graphical editor with GMF? explains the creation of an GMF editor with a very simple FSM metamodel. You can retrieve the result of this tutorial and the gmf models into fr.irisa.triskell..kermeta.samples.fsm.gmf.

You know how to create a model conform to the Fsm metamodel. The next chapter explains how to manipulate models with Kermeta.

Chapter 5.  Model manipulation in Kermeta

Firstly, we present to you how to create a KerMeta file. Then loading a first Kermeta program can be achieved by just copying the code provided in the following sections, following carefully the suggested instructions. Readers who want to directly load their own models should directly go to the section A template for a complete Kermeta program and customize the given template.

You can start with opening the Kermeta perspective with Window->Open Perspective -> Other -> Kermeta and create a new Kermeta project (File -> New -> New Kermeta Project into the Kermeta perspective). Name it org.kermeta.fsm.serialisation, copy the file fsm.ecore (from fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect/metamodels/fsm.ecore) into metamodel folder. The following section presents how to create a new Kermeta file.

5.1.  Create a new Kermeta file

We want to add a new kermeta file into the folder kermeta into org.kermeta.fsm.serialisation/src.


This sample is available in the FSM Solutions in the project fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.serialisation

To do this, select in the main menu of Eclipse

"File" > "New" ->"New Kermeta File"

This action opens the following window.

Wizard to create a new Kermeta file

Figure 5.1.  Wizard to create a new Kermeta file

Give a name (Serialisation.kmt for instance) to the new file, select a location (The default one is good for us) and change the package to fsm_package. Click on "Finish".

Now your main window should look like the one below. The file is written in KerMeta language. So you can edit this file to add some classes, attributes and so on using the KerMeta language (read Kermeta Manual for more details on KerMeta language).

New Kermeta file

Figure 5.2.  New Kermeta file

[Tip] Create a Kermeta file into another perspective

If you are not into the Kermeta perspective you can create a new Kermeta file with File -> New -> Other -> Kermeta -> New Kermeta File

[Tip] Add the Kermeta nature to a project

If your project is not a Kemeta project you can add the Kermeta nature on it. Right click on the project Kermeta-> Add Kermeta nature. It permit to check the .kmt files at the beginning of Eclipse.

Now, we add Kermeta code to load and save models compliant with the fsm.ecore metamodel. For this you need to register the EMF metamodel into the Package Registry.

5.2.  Package registry

If you want to save a model conform to a particular metamodel whatever you want into the workspace it is useful to register its metamodel into the EMF Package Registry. Indeed, if the meta-model is not registered into the EMF Package Registry, a relative path is used to link the instance file with its meta-model. So we need to register this meta model into the EMF Package Registry. There is two ways to do that, deploying an EMF plugin like in the section Tree view editor which add permanently the meta model to the Eclipse's EMF Package Registry or register dynamically the meta model on it thanks clicking on the ecore metamodel file -> EPackages registration -> Register EPackages into repository.

[Warning] Dynamical EMF Registration is not permanent

You need to register again the meta models for each new instance of Eclipse.

The following menu EPackages registration have three entries :

  1. Re-Register EPackages into registry : unregister and register again the EPackage in order to take into account the meta model's changes

  2. Unregister EPackages into registry : remove EPackage from EMF EPackage registry

  3. Register EPackages into registry : add EPackage from EMF EPackage registry

Register the meta model into the EMF EPackage Registry

Figure 5.3. Register the meta model into the EMF EPackage Registry

Then click on the followings icons :

Kermeta icon

Figure 5.4.  Kermeta icon

Reload icon

Figure 5.5. Reload icon

Now, we use Kermeta to load an save models i.e to serialise the models. So, register the fsm.ecore model as we presented above to use it in the example.

5.3.  Serialisation

By serialisation, we mean here : to save and load models thanks to the presistence library. For these following sections copy and paste on your new file Serialisation.kmt or look at the file serialisation.kmt into fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.sample.fsm.serialisation/kermeta. Create a new dynamic instance for FSM named Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi in the folder model like in the section Dynamic instances . Add on it two states st1 et st2 and two transitions. The first transition from st1 to st2 consume an "a" and produce a "b" whereas the second transition from st2 to st2 consume a "c" and produce a "d". This xmi file should look like this :


Figure 5.6. Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi

5.3.1. Load an EMF model with Kermeta

The following code sample load a previously created FSM model. Copy and paste it on org.kermeta.fsm.serialisation/src/kermeta/serialisation.kmt or see the serialisation.kmt file on fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.serialisation/src/kermeta/serialisation.kmt.

         @mainClass "fsm_package::Main"
         @mainOperation "main"

        package fsm_package;

        require kermeta
         require  "http://www.kermeta.org/fsm"
        using kermeta::persistence 
         using kermeta::standard
         class Main
         operation main() : Void is do
        // Input fsm
        var fsm1 : fsm::FSM
        // Create the repository, then the resource
         var repository : EMFRepository init EMFRepository.new
         var resource : EMFResource 
         resource ?= repository.getResource("platform:/resource/org.kermeta.fsm.serialisation/model/Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi")

// Load the fsm (we get the instance)
 fsm1 ?= resource.one
// Check that the fsm was correctly loaded
fsm1.ownedState.each { s | stdio.writeln("-> "+s.name) 
 		  s.outgoingTransition.each { ti | stdio.writeln( "outgoing : " + " source " + ti.source.name  + " target " + ti.target.name + " input : " + ti.input +  " output :  " + ti.output)}
 		 s.incomingTransition.each { to | stdio.writeln( "incoming :  " + " source " + to.source.name  + " target " + to.target.name +" input : " + to.input +  " output : " + to.output )}


To serialize the class definition, the nsURI of the meta model need to be known.


This method permits to retrieve the resource where the model is stored or create a new resource if it does not exist.


The persistence permits to load and save EMF models. The key word using is used to simplify writing code like import in Java.


resource is collection of instances which are in the root file. The first instance of this resource is retrieve by the method one.

[Tip]Browse through the resource

You can use resource.each if you want to browse through the resource.

[Tip] Create new resource for your instance model

You can create a nex resource to contain your model with the method repository.createResource(NsURI instance model, NsURI metamodel)

repository is an EMFRepository that contain the resource.

Example 5.1.  Load an EMF model with Kermeta

To run this file simply right click on it (Run As -> Run As Kermeta Application). You should obtain the following trace in the Eclipse's console :

Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi content

Figure 5.7. Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi content

5.3.2. Modify and save an EMF model with Kermeta

At this stage, it should be interesting to be able to modify a previously loaded model using Kermeta before saving it. The procedure is very simple: do your manipulation as if your loaded FSM model is a Kermeta model (which is, in effect, the case!), and then, simply call a save method on the handling resource. For this purpose, the following code can be added at the end of the main operation defined in the above section:

var newstate : fsm::State init fsm::State.new
	newstate.name := "s_new" 
      // save fsm1 

A new state s_new appears on the file Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi.

It is also possible to save the modified model in a new file instead of overwriting the initial one by using the saveWithNewURI() method. To this end, just replace the last line of above code (resource.save()) by the following one:


5.3.3. Create a model in Kermeta, and save it as an EMF model

Saving a programmatically generated model requires to use a new specific instruction that add the created Fsm root class to the destination resource. The following code chunk creates a simple EMF model with 2 states (named “foo”, and “bar”), and 2 transitions. Saving it then consists in adding the root class (i.e. the model object) stored in the variable fsm2 into the resource instances.

var another_resource : EMFResource
		another_resource ?= repository.createResource(
		var fsm2 : fsm::FSM init fsm::FSM.new
		var s0 : fsm::State init fsm::State.new
		var s1 : fsm::State init fsm::State.new
		var t01 : fsm::Transition init fsm::Transition.new
		var t11 : fsm::Transition init fsm::Transition.new
		s0.name := "foo"
		s1.name := "bar"
		t01.source := s0
		t01.target := s1
		t11.source := s1
		t11.target := s1
		// save the from-scratch model!

This program should return the following FSM model (viewed with the reflexive editor):

Fsm_scratch_sample view

Figure 5.8. Fsm_scratch_sample view

5.3.4. A template for a complete Kermeta program

The following short code sample provides a comprehensive code template (replace the <words>) for model loading. Note here that the term model object is appropriate (better than root class!): loading a model consists in getting the root class, from which, thanks to the containment property (see section, all the contained instances can be accessed.

@mainClass "fsm_package::Main"
@mainOperation "main"
package fsm_package;
require kermeta 
require "< nsURI of the metamodel >" 

using kermeta::persistence
using kermeta::standard
class Main
 operation main() : Void is do 
      // Variable for your input EMF model
      var <my_model_object> : <type_of_my_model>
      // Create the repository, then the resource
      var <my_rep> : EMFRepository init EMFRepository.new 
      var <my_resource> : EMFResource 
      <my_resource> ?= repository.getResource(
     // Load the emf model - get the root class 
      <my_model_object> ?= resource.one
     // You can now browse your model through its attributes/references 
      <my_model_object>.<an_attribute_of_it>.each { o | 
         stdio.writeln("-> "+o.toString) } )
    // Save your model in another file

5.3.5.  Load and save for models divided into several resources

[Warning] Depending models on the same EMFRepository

Several models which have links between them must be saved into the same EMFRepository. Be careful on saving the resources (unlike load which retrieve all the resources).

If your models have no dependancy between them, you can save them into several EMFRepository.

In the following chapters, we will study the sample fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect.

Chapter 6.  Check model

Check all the invariants for a model can be useful if you use a model provided by a third party or resulting from a transformation, it permits to check well-formed rules. For more informations about it, please refer to the Model Checking Manual. Look at the file checkInvariants.kmt in fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect/launcher/checkInvariants.kmt . This class permits to check all the invariants from the meta model thanks to the method checkAllInvariants.

    class InvariantChecker
    operation main(input_automaton : String) : Void is do 
    var rep : EMFRepository init EMFRepository.new
    var theFSM : FSM init AutomatonHelper.new.loadEMFAutomaton(rep, input_automaton, "http://www.kermeta.org/fsm")
    // To check all contained elements by "theFSM"
    stdio.writeln("> call of the checkAllInvariants method")
    // To check only the states that are contained in "theFSM"
    stdio.writeln("> call of the checkInvariants method")

Look at the Run Configuration FSM check invariant. If you run it you should obtain the following trace :

Fsm_scratch_sample view

Figure 6.1. Fsm_scratch_sample view

Now, we will study the case of an error which violate an invariant. Look at the file FSMConstraints.kmt into fr.triskell.kermeta.fsm.demo/kermeta/constraints/FSMConstraints.kmt . You will see the following invariant

 aspect class State{ inv invariant1 is do self.outgoingTransition.forAll{ tr1 | self.outgoingTransition.forAll{ tr2 | tr2.input.equals(tr1.input).equals(tr1.equals(tr2))}} end } 

It means that several outgoing transitions from a state cannot have the same input. Look at the file samplerunErrorInvariant.fsm. Right click on Aspect check invariantsError and click on Apply and Run. This fsm model have two transitions with the same input. Like invariant is violated, Kermeta raises an exception. So, you should obtain the following trace :

Invariant error 's trace

Figure 6.2. Invariant error 's trace

Now you know how to check models. The next section explains how you can improve kermeta programs adding on them Design by contract which consist in adding pre and post conditions.

Chapter 7. Design by contract

By Design by contract, we mean add pre or post condition to our ecore model in order to add constraints on the Fsm's execution. It permits to use good practices into kermeta development. You can retrieve the Design by Contract concepts languages like Eiffel. Firstly, we present how to run configurations to parametrize this pre or post conditions. Then we present examples of pre and post conditions. In this section we study the example available in fr.irisa.kemeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect.

7.1. Run configurations

7.1.1. An entry point for the program

We want to execute an FSM model. To do that we must call the "run" operation of the "FSM" class. We are going to do that thanks to a KerMeta script. This script will : load an instance of the FSM meta model stored in a file and call the run operation of these instance.


To launch a script, the interpreter must know the entry point of the program. It can "ask" it to the user thanks to an Eclipse window. Another way might be to add the following statements into your kermeta code :

  • @mainClass which stands for the main class,

  • @mainOperation which stands for the main operation of the main class.

In the FSM example ( fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect) , those scripts are in the "launcher" directory. Look at "minimization.kmt" script. Here the interpreter knows that entry point of the program is the operation "main" in the "Minimization" class.

The launcher folder

Figure 7.1.  The launcher folder

7.1.2. Execution without parameters

Let's have a look at the file named "minimization.kmt". Open it. Look at the code of the main operation. There is no parameter. To run this script with constraint checking, right click on "minimization.kmt" and select "Run As" and "Kermeta Constrained Application". To run this script without constraint checking, right click on "minimization.kmt" and select "Run As" and "Run As Kermeta Application".

Execution of minimization example

Figure 7.2.  Execution of minimization example

The program asks you for a filename. Put in "../models/sample1.fsm" for example. You are lastly asked for a filename which will correspond to the file generated by the program. Put in "../generated.fsm" and see the execution.

7.1.3. Execution with parameter(s)

Now if you have a look at the three others scripts (checkInvariants, determinization and fsmLauncher) into fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demoAspect/launcher you will notice that the main operation of the main class takes one argument. Let's focus on "fsmLauncher.kmt" launcher. The main operation takes one parameter which is the name of the file containing the FSM model. It loads the model, prints it and runs it. If you try the running method above, an exception is raised because the parameterized file does not exist. Indeed we did not specify any filename to the program. So, you cannot use the method above to run those kind of script. That is the reason why we are going to use run configurations. Then right click on "fsmLauncher.kmt" file and select "Run As" and "Run Configurations...". A window appears like the one below. Select the run configuration named "loaderFSM" and look at the different options. Have a special look at the file parameters :

  • "Location of your program file", here this is "fsmLauncher.kmt" filename relative to the project's root directory.

  • "Class qualified name", that is to say the main class of the program.

  • "Operation name", that is to say the main operation of the main class.

  • "Operation arguments", the parameters you want to send to the main operation.

Here, we give the string "../models/sample1.fsm" as a parameter to mainLoadFSM operation to "fsm::Main" class. By clicking on "Run" button, it will start the execution. You can create yourself some new run configurations. Just by left clicking on "Kermeta Application " or "Kermeta Constraint Application" (depending on the constraint checking you want) and select "New" and fill in the required fields.


Eclipse is slash sensible. It only accepts front slash and no backslash. Then /fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/launcher/fsmLauncher.kmt is a valid filename whereas \fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo\launcher\fsmLauncher.kmt is not.

Run configurations

Figure 7.3.  Run configurations


If you want to create a new configuration, just right click on Kermeta Application, or Kermeta Constrained Application and New. Then, fill the fields like above.

7.2. Constraints checking execution sample

This section will present an example of constraint checking execution. Have a look at the "fsm.kmt" file (into fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/kermeta. This kermeta file requires two files :

  1. fsm_Operationnal_Semantics.kmt from fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/kermeta/semantics/ which defines the fsm 's behaviour ( cf section Behaviour )

    The following code shows the behaviour of the step operation :

    aspect class State {
    		reference combination : Set<State>
    	// Go to the next state
    	operation step(c : String) : String raises FSMException
    	is do
    		// Get the valid transitions
    		var validTransitions : Collection<Transition> 
    		validTransitions :=	outgoingTransition.select { t | t.input.equals(c) }
    		// Check if there is one and only one valid transition
    		if validTransitions.empty then raise NoTransition.new end
    		if validTransitions.size > 1 then raise NonDeterminism.new end
    		// Fire the transition
    		result := validTransitions.one.fire
    	// Create a new state from self state
    	operation copy() : State is do
    		result := State.new
    		result.name := String.clone(name)
    		result.combination := Set<State>.new


    The key-word aspect (cf Behaviour ) permits to add some operations.

  2. FSMConstraints.kmt from fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/kermeta/constraints/ which defines an invariant and pre and post conditions.

    aspect class State{ 
    inv invariant1 is
    self.outgoingTransition.forAll{ tr1 | self.outgoingTransition.forAll{ tr2 | tr2.input.equals(tr1.input).equals(tr1.equals(tr2))}}
    aspect class State{
    operation step(c : String) :String
    	pre pre2 is do
    	post post3 is do
    	is abstract

There is a pre condition (pre2) which says that the character given as a parameter must not be void or empty string. The post condition (post3) says that the result must not be void or empty string. For each "step" method call, the pre and post conditions will be checked. If there are evaluated as false, the program is aborted otherwise the program goes on. Look at the run configuration named "FSM Aspect loader with pre-post check". If you do not retrieve this configuration right click on FSM Aspect loader with pre-post check.launch Run As -> FSM Aspect loader with pre-post check. Open the file (../models/sample1postv.fsm) used as parameter for this configuration. Observe the finite state diagram.

7.2.1. Pre condition violation

Execute "FSM Aspect loader with pre-post check" configuration. When you are asked for a letter , just press enter to send an empty string. Normally, it should provoke the violation of the pre condition. You should obtain the following trace into the console :

State : s1
  Transition : s1-(c/NC)->s2
State : s2
  Transition : s2-(x/y)->s2
Current state : s1
give me a letter : 

pre pre2 of operation step of class State violated

7.2.2. Post condition violation

Execute "FSM Aspect loader with pre-post check" configuration. When you are asked for a letter , press c and then press enter. Normally, the post condition will be violated because the result will be an empty string. You should obtain the following trace into the console :

State : s1
  Transition : s1-(c/NC)->s2
State : s2
  Transition : s2-(x/y)->s2
Current state : s1
give me a letter : c
post post3 of operation step of class State violated

This chapter presented the use of pre and post condition on an execution.The next chapter explain how you can simulate an execution of the modelling system thank to behaviour.

Chapter 8. Behaviour

8.1.  Expected behaviour for this tutorial

Adding a behaviour to the FSM meta-model consists in to make a simulation of execution with operations and an execution context represented by the current state of the FSM. That's why you need to add a currentState reference and three operation :

  1. run() for FSM class,

  2. step(String): String for State class,

  3. and fire(): String for Transition class

Adding behavior to this meta model look like change the meta model according the following schema :

FSM metamodel with behavior

Figure 8.1.  FSM metamodel with behavior

The old way to add behavior in Kermeta was transform the ecore meta model into a Kermeta file and add the code for the methods. This tutorial presents the new approach, use aspect to add this new operations. With aspect, you can add new elements and new operations to a fixed meta-model. You can also combine several aspects. This section show you how to add behaviour with aspect into a metamodel. Have a look on the file fsm_Operationnal_Semantics.kmt from fr.irisa.triskell.samples.fsm.demo/kermeta/semantics which contains the fsm 's behaviour operations.

8.2.  Structuration of this behavior with aspects

So, this part presents the use of aspects to implement behavior. An aspect into a KerMeta file can be created simply with :

require kermeta
     require "http://www.kermeta.org/fsm"
     using fsm
     using kermeta::standard
      aspect class Transition 
	// Fire the transition
	operation fire() : String is do


You need to load the meta model where you will weave aspects.


The key word using fsm permits to simplify the writing of the elements from the fsm meta model like an import in the Java language.


The key word aspect is used to add attribute or operation to an existing metaclass (in this case Transition) of the loaded meta model.


Now, you can add attribute or operation like in a classical Kermeta file.

Example 8.1.  Aspect in Kermeta


None of the elements added by aspect take part of the ecore meta model, so these elements are transient that’s why it cannot be serialized by this way. If you want to serialize a new element to the meta model you need to add it into.

Have a look on the Kermeta file fsm_Operationnal_Semantics.kmt in the folder kermeta/semantics of fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo. You can add several aspects in the same file. So, this code is structured like this :

     package fsm;

	require kermeta
	require "http://www.kermeta.org/fsm"
	using fsm
	using kermeta::standard
	using kermeta::persistence
	using kermeta::exceptions

	aspect class FSM 
	reference currentState : State
	// Operational semantic
	operation run() :  Void raises FSMException is do 
    // [...]
     /** Initialize a new automaton from an existing one 
	 *  param :
	 *    p_state : the initial state
	 *    isInitComb
	operation initialize(p_state : State, isInitComb : Boolean) is do
     // [...]
  aspect class State {
  // Go to the next state
	operation step(c : String) : String raises FSMException
  aspect class Transition 
	// Fire the transition
	operation fire() : String is do


The reference currentState is added by aspect into the fsm meta model.


The key word raises declare an exception that an operation can throw.


Don't forget to close the brace at the and of an aspect definition.

Example 8.2.  Structuration of the fsm_Operationnal_Semantics.kmt file

The next section presents the differents algorithms in details.

8.3.  Behavior algorithms

Now, we will present in details the algorithm for the operations run(), step(String) and fire (String).

  • The run operation is used as a user interface. Thanks to this operation, we are going to display information about the finite state machine, read user input and process steps.

  • The step operation is used to go to an other state depending on the user's input and the transitions available from the current state.

  • The fire operation is used to change the current state and to get the produced string.

Let us see the behavior of these three operations.

8.3.1.  Run algorithm

Behavior :

1 – initialize current state

2 – loop until the user's input equal to "quit"

print the current state

read a string

process a step

catch exceptions if there are some and exit the program displaying the error.

Here is the code of the operation :

operation run() :  Void raises FSMException is do  
		// reset if there is no current state
		if self.currentState == void then self.currentState := self.initialState end
		from var str : String init "init"
		until str == "quit"
			stdio.writeln("Current state : " + self.currentState.name)
			str := stdio.read("give me a letter : ")
			if str == "quit" then
				stdio.writeln("quitting ...")
				if str == "print" then
						var textRes : String
						textRes := self.currentState.step(str)
						if( textRes == void or textRes == "" )
							textRes := "NC"
						stdio.writeln("string produced : " + textRes)
						rescue (err : ConstraintViolatedPre)
		            		str := "quit"
		            	rescue (err : ConstraintViolatedPost)
	            			str := "quit"
						rescue(err : NonDeterminism)
							str := "quit"	
						rescue(err : NoTransition)
							str := "quit"

8.3.2.  Step algorithm

In this operation, there are pre and post conditions. These are conditions checked each time the operation is called. If they are evaluated to false an exception is raised. You can choose to check them or not. The following chapter presents how to run configurations.

Behavior :

1 – Select the possible transitions.

2 – If there is none raise a NoTransition exception.

If there is more than one raise a NonDeterminism exception.

3 – If there is only one transition, call its fire operation and return its result.

// Go to the next state
	operation step(c : String) : String raises FSMException
	is do
		// Get the valid transitions
		var validTransitions : Collection<Transition> 
		validTransitions :=	outgoingTransition.select { t | t.input.equals(c) }
		// Check if there is one and only one valid transition
		if validTransitions.empty then raise NoTransition.new end
		if validTransitions.size > 1 then raise NonDeterminism.new end
		// Fire the transition
		result := validTransitions.one.fire

8.3.3.  Fire algorithm

Behavior :

1 – change the current state of the FSM

2 – return the produced string

// Fire the transition
	operation fire() : String is do
		// update FSM current state
		source.owningFSM.currentState := target
		result := output

8.4.  Run an fsm example of behaviour

In this example we execute a step into the fsm behaviour algorithm with the file samplerun.fsm stored into fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/models/samplerun.fsm. The following image presents the file samplerun.fsm.

In this example, you use the transition c to go to s1 to s2 and produce the string v . the behaviour can be produced thanks to the operations run(), step() and fire() defined in the last section. To run this behaviour right click on FSM Aspect Behaviour -> Run as -> FSM Aspect Behaviour.

You should obtain the following trace :

Example of behaviour execution

Figure 8.2.  Example of behaviour execution

You can continue the behaviour of finite state machine if you want. This section has presented how to add a behaviour on the meta model. The next section present how to use model transformation.

Chapter 9.  Model Transformation

The files minimization.kmt and determinization.kmt from fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.demo/launcher are examples of transformation of one model to one another,let you have a look on it. These examples are separated into three main steps :

  1. load the model to transform and initialize the output model

  2. traitment of the transformation (use an algoritm to determin the new results and add it into other output model).

  3. save the output model

You can execute these examples following the section Run configurations. This section give you an example of model transformation. The next section will present how to customize the EMF editor presented on section Tree view editor.

Chapter 10.  UI improvements

You can customize your user interface like shown below. For more samples please refer to the Logo tutorial (chapter 9 : UI Improvement).

10.1.  Customize the generated EMF editor

Generated code can be modified for customization. An EMF editor for FSM models is ever deployed into Eclipse Kermeta. Retrieve the plugin code source with File -> Import -> Plug-in Development -> Plug-ins and Fragments and click two times on Next. Then choose the following plugins :

Import EMF and Topcased FSM Editor deployed plugins

Figure 10.1.  Import EMF and Topcased FSM Editor deployed plugins

The plugin .model, .edit and .editor correspond to the fsm EMF editor whereas the .graphicalEditor represents the Topcased editor.

[Tip] Add custom code

To keep your customized code for each generation you need to add

	       * @generated NOT

just before the name of the method you want to customize.

10.1.1.  Change the editor's icons

To change an icon you need only to replace the icon from fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.edit/icons/full/obj16 to another with the same name and the same extension. It is the case on this deployed plugin. The following image presents this plugin, the .gif images have been changed from the initial EMF generation.

Customize icons

Figure 10.2.  Customize icons

Respectively the icons FSM.gif, State.gif and Transition.gif look like this :

FSM icon

Figure 10.3.  FSM icon

State icon

Figure 10.4.  State icon

Transition icon

Figure 10.5.  Transition icon


Like GMF use EMF icons for the palette you can customize the palette icons by this way.

You will see the change when you will use the generated editor like in the following section.

10.1.2.  Change text presentation

The following method comes from FSMItemProvider in the package fr.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.provider in the project fr.irisa.triskell.kermeta.samples.fsm.model.edit. It permits to disply thr initial state or if it is missing or if the final state is missing.

	 * This returns the label text for the adapted class.
	 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
	 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
	 * @generated NOT
	public String getText(Object object) {
		String initialState = " [an initial state is required]";
		if(object instanceof FSM && ((FSM) object).getInitialState()!=null) {
			initialState = " [initial state = " + ((FSM) object).getInitialState().getName() + "]";
		String finalState = " - [at least one final state is required]";
		if(object instanceof FSM && ((FSM) object).getFinalState().size()>0) {
			finalState = "";
		return getString("_UI_FSM_type") + initialState + finalState;


Chapter 11.  Conclusion

This tutorial give an illustration of the steps presented into the Processes to build a DSL Document (cf hyperlien), in particular it focus on traitment of an ecore meta model into Kermeta. For more informations please refer to others tutorials available http://www.kermeta.org/documents/tutorials .