GMF graphical editor tutorial

How to create a FSM graphical editor with GMF?

Marie Gouyette

Build date: 3-November-2010



This tutorial shows how to create a GMF editor for Fsm models. This tutorial consitutes only an example that illustrate the global fsm example. For more informations and tutorials about GMF please refer to the GMF documentation and its tutorials ( (Eclipse GMF Project) ).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Getting started with GMF
2.1. Mechanisms of GMF
2.2. Create a new GMF project
2.3. Generation Process
2.3.1. Domain model
2.3.2. Domain Gen Model
2.3.3. Graphical Definition Model
2.3.4. Tooling Definition Model
2.3.5. Mapping Model
2.3.6. Diagram Editor Gen Model
2.4. Use the generated editor

List of Figures

2.1. GMF process
2.2. Create a new GMF project
2.3. Give a name to the new GMF project
2.4. Show Dashboard view
2.5. DashBoard at the beginning
2.6. Choose name for the genmodel file
2.7. Select ecore model
2.8. Load ecore model
2.9. Generate EMF Java code
2.11. Select elements from domain
2.12. fsm.gmfgraph at the beginning
2.13. Edit Rounded Rectangle 's name
2.14. Edit Label 's name
2.15. Rounded rectangle
2.16. Set Target Decoration
2.17. Tooling definition
2.18. fsmStatic.gmftool
2.19. wizard creation .gmfmap
2.20. fsmStatic.gmfmap
2.21. Node and tool
2.22. Select feature and add it
2.23. Add diagram label into Feature Mapping
2.24. Edit the LinkMapping Transition
2.25. fsm.gmfmap
2.26. fsmStatic.gmfmap
2.27. fsmStatic.gmfmap
2.28. Create Fsm Diagram model
2.29. Edit Fsm Diagram model