Build date: 3-November-2010
Table of Contents
This document is aimed at people who want either to use the Eclipse Modeling Framework in order to create an EMF model, and/or to manipulate them using Kermeta. The use of EMF models in Kermeta is achieved through the following steps, which some of them are optional (they are detailed sections):
creating a meta-model in Ecore format, following a few constraints that make its instances loadable by Kermeta;
creating a model, also called an EMF model, as an instance of the above meta-model;
loading this model and manipulating it through a Kermeta program;
saving this model, as well as other ones programmatically created from scratch with Kermeta.
Kermeta is an evolving software and despite that we put a lot of attention to this document, it may contain errors (more likely in the code samples). If you find any error or have some information that improves this document, please send it to us using the bugtracker in the forge: check: v0.1.0
Most of the code presented in this tutorial comes from the FSM sample available on the kermeta web site. Have a try to it for a complete working sample!
Readers are supposed to be familiar to either the EMOF or the Ecore meta-model.
The use of Ecore also supposes readers to have a minimal knowledge, as end-users, of the Eclipse development environment.
meta-model / Ecore model: both terms are used to point to the meta-model level. “Ecore model” corresponds to the Eclipse terminology for a meta-model specified in Ecore.
instance: in the context of this tutorial, the term “instance” is used to refer to an instance of a meta-model, i.e. of an Ecore model. Sometimes we will talk about instance-model (an Ecore model which is an instance of the meta-model), so, don't get confused.
model object / root class: in the scope of the EMF dynamic editor, these terms designate the model root class that contains all other ones. This root class is the only one in a model that has no container (i.e. which has no “black-diamonded” relation pointing to it).
containment: this term designates an important property of classes attributes/references. This property has to be appropriately set, in such a way that all the elements of an instance-model should be accessed from the root class of the model, which is aimed at being the highest-level container (you will see that at the 10th step of section ???, p.???, and fig ).
The required environment, whatever the underlying operating system, for handling EMF models and being able to run the samples provided in this tutorial includes:
Java 1.5;
Eclipse, preferably the 3.1.1 version;
Ideally, Omondo, that provides a graphical editor of Ecore meta-models;
Kermeta plugin (remote site for a direct eclipse installation: ), version 0.1.0;
EMF modeling framework, version 2.1.0 (remote site: Eclipse update site).
Required plugins can be found by using Eclipse installation tool, through the tool bar menu:Help > Find and install > Search for new features to install > Next buttons
For simplicity sake, the different steps (meta-model, model creation, as well as model handling through Kermeta) introduced in the scope of this tutorial are illustrated by means of the finite state machines classical example.
Create a new simple project (for instance MyFirstEMFSamples ).
Select in the tool bar menu (on top of Eclipse window)File > New > Other > Example EMF Creation Wizards folder > Ecore Model
Enter a name for the meta-model file (e.g. fsm.ecore), then click on Next button.
Choose EPackage as the Model Object (i.e. the root of the meta-model), and click on the Finish button.
If Omondo is installed, the meta-model can be edited by means of the Omondo graphical editor. However, this tutorial focuses on the creation of meta-models using the Sample Ecore Editor. In case the Omondo editor is set as the default editor, the sample Ecore editor can be opened (after having closed the Omondo editor) by right-clicking onto the Ecore file and selecting Open with > Sample Ecore Editor.
If the Properties view is not visible at the bottom (or left, or right) part of the Eclipse window, open it using the tool bar menu.Window > Show View > Other > General folder > Properties;
Two properties of the created EPackage (which is initially displayed as null) have to be set through the Properties tab:
its Name: fsm, for example;
its Ns URI: the namespace URI of the Ecore model is mandatory to allow Kermeta being able to correctly load its potential instances, as well as for the Dynamic creation of instances tool (see section 3.1 p.11). It is strongly recommended to set an absolute Eclipse URI (this kind of URI is actually relative to your Eclipse project), e.g. platform:/resource/MyFirstEMFSamples/metamodels/fsm.ecore
At this stage, it is now possible to add children to the created root (which is fsm EPackage in the considered example). This could be achieved by right-clicking on the class and choosing the New child item. In the scope of the FSM example, three classes are added, one of them (the class Fsm) being considered as the “root class” (this should not be not mandatory, but allows a better EMF working):
a Fsm class, for which the Name attribute (in the properties view) has to be set (other properties do not need to be considered at this stage);
a Transition class (idem as for the Fsm class);
a State class (idem as for previous classes).
Adding operations, attributes, or references to the newly created classes is achieved in the same way classes have been added to the root EPackage, i.e. using New child on each created element.
Still through the Properties tab, the EContainment property will have to be set to true for each reference which intended to contain instances. In the scope of the automaton example, the transition and state references of the Fsm class are defined as containment reference. By this mean, it will be possible to create, in an EMF model of it, a collection of transitions and states. Refer to the EMF model creation step (section 3, p.11) for further details.
Setting properties, such as the upper and lower bounds, the type (EType), of the attributes, operations, and references is achieved through the Properties view. The main properties to consider are: ESuperType, EType, Name, Upper Bound, Lower Bound, Containment (for the diamond-ed associations), Ordered, Unique, and EOpposite (opposite property). For simplicity purpose, other properties can be ignored in the scope of this tutorial.
Lower and upper bound properties: 0, 1, -1 (stands for *) are allowed.
Do not forget to save the created meta-model.
At this stage of the tutorial, the designed meta-model should look like the following meta-model:
Creating a good meta-model is sometime difficult due to limitations of the used tools. For a better experience in using EMF tools and Kermeta, it is advised to respect the following rules:
Create an element that will contain directly or indirectly all the other elements. The reflexive editor and the editor generated by EMF allow to create only one root element and then, from this element, create contained elements.
This problem occurs only for model element creation from the editors. The editors correctly display models from meta-models that do not follow this rule if you are able to create such models by another mean. Kermeta is not affected by this constraint.
Additional documentation on EMF can be found at the following links:
More generally, most of EMF documentation can be found onto the Eclipse website.
EMF tools are not the only way to create Ecore meta-models. Any tool that can manipulate Ecore can do the same. Here is a small list of tools that can be used to create your meta-model:
Omondo / Eclipse UML has a nice graphical editor for Ecore models. It even enables to directly generate the EMF editor from this tool.
Kermeta allows users to specify meta-models by means of the Kermeta syntax and then translate them into Ecore using the Kermeta2Ecore function.
The Ecore import/export function and the Omondo editor can be used in order to graphically display the Kermeta classes of a model. It will act as a basic manual roundtrip editor.
This is the most simple way for creating an instance of a meta-model. Creation is accessible by right-clicking onto the root class/model object of the meta-model (in the scope of the FSM example, it is the Fsm class). Because of the containment property, classes are only available for creation through this root class.
Since it allows to customize the generated editor to match meta-model specificities. (see the end of this article:, this solution should be favoured for meta-models that are relatively stable.
This is the most ergonomic – but longest – way to create an instance of a meta-model. This method is here presented in its main lines:
Once the meta-model is created, it is possible to create a model for model generation, called genmodel:
File > New > Other > Eclipse Modeling Framework folder > EMF Models;
Choose a name for your genmodel (fsm.genmodel is ok);
Select Load from an EMF core model button, and find the meta-model file (fsm.ecore);
Select the unique package fsm.
In order to avoid weird behaviour (particularly if the current project was not set as a “Java project”) the model directory of the genmodel needs to be changed in the Properties tab of the genmodel. For this purpose, change the property called Model Directory (in the Model folder), to /MyFirstEMFSamples.model/src, so that the EMF source code is generated in a new empty project that will exclusively contain this source code.
Right-click on the root node of the fsm.genmodel, and choose the Generate all item.
To be able to use the generated reflexive editor, a new runtime workbench has to be launched through the tool bar menu:
Run > Run As > Run-time Workbench (in Eclipse 3.0.2);
or Run > Run... > Eclipse application item in the right part > New button > Apply button > Run button at the bottom (Eclipse 3.1).
or Run > Open Run Dialog... > Eclipse application item in the left part > New button > Apply button > Run button at the bottom (Eclipse 3.3).
Once the new eclipse application is launched, create a new simple project (e.g. called MyFirstEMFInstances), and select File > New > Other > Example EMF Creation Wizards folder > Fsm Model;
Creation of an EMF model follows the same principles that the creation of an Ecore model. Please refer to the meta-model creation steps, section ???, p.???. Note that the model object, which was EPackage in the meta-model creation, becomes Fsm in the EMF model creation;
As you work in another Eclipse environment, you will probably want to copy the models that you created this way in your initial project (the one named MyFirstEMFSamples). Simply do it.
Loading a first Kermeta program can be achieved by just copying the code provided in the following sections, following carefully the suggested instructions. Readers who want to directly load their own models should directly go to the section 4.5, p.15 and copy the given template.
The persistence library is inspired from the resource manager of EMF models. There is a repository (called EMFRepository), that is aimed at containing a set of resources (the EMFResources). Each resource contains a reference called instances, that contains all the root classes of the loaded model (there is usually only have one root class). So, the procedure of creation of a resource that will handle EMF models is the following (code example is provided in next sections):
Instanciate an EMFRepository;
Create a new EMF resource in this repository;
Load this resource;
Get the instances, i.e. the root class(es). All other instances can then be accessed by navigating the root class(es) properties.
As a reminder, here is the common skeleton of a Kermeta program, inside which can must be added any library that is necessary to load and save the FSM samples.
@mainClass "fsm_package::Main" @mainOperation "main" package fsm_package; require kermeta require "../metamodels/fsm.ecore" using kermeta::persistence // <- used to load and save EMF models. using kermeta::standard class Main { operation main() : Void is do // TODO: implement 'main' operation end }
The following code sample load a previously created FSM model:
operation main() : Void is do // Input fsm var fsm1 : fsm::Fsm // Create the repository, then the resource var repository : EMFRepository init var resource : EMFResource resource ?= repository.createResource("../models/Fsm_dyn_sample1.xmi", "../metamodels/fsm.ecore") resource.load // Load the fsm (we get the instance) fsm1 ?= // Check that the fsm was correctly loaded fsm1.state.each { s | stdio.writeln("-> " } fsm1.transition.each { t | stdio.writeln( " -- " ) } end
At this stage, it should be interesting to be able to modify a previously loaded model using Kermeta before saving it. The procedure is very simple: do your manipulation as if your loaded FSM model is a Kermeta model (which is, in effect, the case!), and then, simply call a save method on the handling resource. For this purpose, the following code can be added at the end of the main operation defined in the above section:
var newstate : fsm::State init := "s_new"fsm1.state.add(newstate) // save fsm1
It is also possible to save the modified model in a new file instead of overwriting the initial one by using the saveWithNewURI()
method. To this end, just replace the last line of above code (
) by the following one:
Saving a programmatically generated model requires to use a new specific instruction that addq the created Fsm root class to the destination resource. The following code chunk creates a simple EMF model with 2 states (named “foo”, and “bar”), and 2 transitions. Saving it then consists in adding the root class (i.e. the model object) stored in the variable fsm2
into the resource instances.
var another_resource : EMFResource another_resource ?= repository.createResource( "../models/Fsm_scratch_sample.xmi", "../metamodels/fsm.ecore") var fsm2 : fsm::Fsm init var s0 : fsm::State init var s1 : fsm::State init var t01 : fsm::Transition init var t11 : fsm::Transition init := "foo" := "bar" t01.source := s0 := s1 t11.source := s1 := s1 fsm2.state.add(s0) fsm2.state.add(s1) fsm2.transition.add(t01) fsm2.transition.add(t11) // save the from-scratch model! another_resource.instances.add(fsm2)
This program should return the following FSM model (viewed with the reflexive editor):
The following short code sample provides a comprehensive code template (replace the <words>) for model loading. Note here that the term model object is appropriate (better than root class!): loading a model consists in getting the root class, from which, thanks to the containment property (see section 1.2, p.2), all the contained instances can be accessed.
@mainClass "fsm_package::Main" @mainOperation "main" package fsm_package; require kermeta require "<relative_path_of_the_metamodel>" // NOTE : same as param of createResource using kermeta::persistence using kermeta::standard class Main { operation main() : Void is do // Variable for your input EMF model var <my_model_object> : <type_of_my_model> // Create the repository, then the resource var <my_rep> : EMFRepository init var <my_resource> : EMFResource <my_resource> ?= repository.createResource( "<relative_path_of_my_model_to_load>", "<relative_path_of_the_metamodel>") <my_resource>.load // Load the emf model - get the root class <my_model_object> ?= // You can now browse your model through its attributes/references <my_model_object>.<an_attribute_of_it>.each { o | stdio.writeln("-> "+o.toString) } ) // Save your model in another file <my_resource>.saveWithNewUri("<relative_path_of_a_file_where_to_save_model>") end }
Kermeta makes it possible to add behaviour to a meta-model. Developers may therefore be interested in loading models that conform to such a meta-model. The following section explains one of the simplest way to achieve this goal. This is a very small variation on the code presented in the previous sections.
At current stage, this is based on Kermeta ability to “require” class definition written in several formats. Currently (version v0.0.16) supported formats are:
kmt files (Kermeta textual syntax);
km files (Kermeta model in XMI 2.0);
Ecore files (Ecore model in XMI 2.0);
emfatic files (Ecore textual syntax developed by IBM).
The transformations Kermeta2Ecore and Ecore2Kermeta enables to obtain two versions of a same meta-model, one in Ecore, the other in Kermeta. From a structural point of view, they will be equivalent and compatible in Kermeta.
Then, these two syntaxes are structurally equivalent.
require "fsm.kmt" // if you use this one, you'll have the FSM behavior
is equivalent to
require "fsm.ecore" // if you use this one, you won't be able to use the FSM behavior
If you have generated the Ecore from a kmt that defines a behaviour, this Ecore will also contain the specified behaviour.
Model loading and saving must be achieved using the Ecore version, so that EMF will know how to serialize/deserialize the models.
var my_resource : EMFResource init repository.createResource( "./my_fsm_usermodel.fsm", "./fsm.ecore")
The Kermeta version of the meta-model will be used to specify the behaviour, the Ecore version will be used by EMF for the persistency aspects.
![]() | Note |
Kermeta2Ecore and Ecore2Kermeta transformations are available in the workbench by respectively right-clicking onto a Kermeta or an Ecore file). |