Kermeta Tutorial : Processes to build a DSL

Reference manual

Haja Rambelontsalama

Build date: 3-November-2010

$LastChangedDate:: 2010-09-20 17:31:53#$


This tutorial is a step-by-step user-guide to the process of building a DSL using the Kermeta language.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Define abstract syntax
2.1. Terminology and format used in this tutorial
2.2. Define the metamodel
3. Define the editor
3.1. Dynamic instance
3.2. Tree-view editor
3.3. Textual editor
3.4. GMF editor
4. Model manipulation in Kermeta
4.1. Serialization
4.2. Package registry
5. Contracts
6. Behavior
7. Model transformation - Compilation
8. UI improvements
9. Conclusion

List of Figures

1.1. MDK overview