This chapter presents some of the uses of this MDK.
When creating a km model, you may need to create references to ClassDefinition that are defined in the
Typically, when you create an Operation, you'll also have to create a Class whose
reference typeDefinition
points to the ClassDefinition in the framework.
A first but wrong approach would be to use the reflectivity :
var anOperation : kermeta::language::structure::Operation init := "Op1" var aClass : kermeta::language::structure::Class init // set the return type of the Operation to Boolean aClass.typeDefinition := kermeta::standard::Boolean.typeDefinition // will typecheck, but cannot be saved !!! anOperation.type := aClass anOperation.containedType.add(aClass)
This code will correctly typecheck, but cannot be saved. This is because it mixes model element and program definitions. Unfortunatly, it is not possible to ensure that those definitions comes from a concrete model file. For example, the definition can come from an ecore or a kmt file (which are NOT km models).
The solution consists in explicitly loading the km file that contains the ClassDefinition
and then, retrieve the ClassDefinition in it. In our sample we probably want to load
and find the ClassDefinition Boolean in it.
The MDK will help us in this task by providing a function getTypeDefinitionByQualifiedName
to ModelingUnit.
The code will then look like :
... // get the helper require "platform:/plugin/org.kermeta.language.mdk/src/kmt/language/helpers/structure/ModelingUnitHelper.kmt" ... var repository : EMFRepository init var resFramework : kermeta::persistence::EMFResource resFramework ?= repository.getResource("platform:/plugin/") // find Boolean in the resource var booleanTypeDef : kermeta::language::structure::GenericTypeDefinition var mainModelingUnit : kermeta::language::structure::ModelingUnit mainModelingUnit ?= resFramework.detect{ m | m.isInstanceOf(kermeta::language::structure::ModelingUnit)} // use the helper to find Boolean in the ModelingUnit booleanTypeDef ?= mainModelingUnit.getTypeDefinitionByQualifiedName("kermeta::standard::Boolean") var anOperation : kermeta::language::structure::Operation init := "Op1" var aClass : kermeta::language::structure::Class init // set the return type of the Operation to Boolean aClass.typeDefinition := booleanTypeDef // correct, can be saved (using the same repository that was used to load anOperation.type := aClass anOperation.containedType.add(aClass)
Obviously, you can load any km file you want.
![]() | Note |
If you want to point to a definition that is in a kmt (textual) or in an ecore file, you'll need to convert it into a km file first. |
![]() | Note |
The base of this prettyprinter was written before the introduction of aspect in Kermeta. For a better design, we would have now weaved the prettyprint operation rather than weaved a visitor. |
Here is a sample use of this printer (prettyprints the body of a failed invariant). Its main class is kermeta::utils::BasicPrettyPrinter
... require "platform:/plugin/org.kermeta.language.mdk/src/kmt/language/visitor/prettyprinters/kmtPrettyPrinter.kmt" ... do // checking invariants inputResource.instances.each{e| e.checkAllInvariants } stdio.writeln("model is valid") rescue (myError : ConstraintViolatedInv) // note that this locator helper work only for UMl model and is provided by UML MDK // you var locatorhelper : UMLUtils::UMLElementLocatorHelper init stdio.errorln(myError.message) stdio.errorln("Faulty object is : " + locatorhelper.getLocationString(myError.constraintAppliedTo)) // Do not forget to initialize the BasicPrettyPrinter ! var basicPP : kermeta::utils::BasicPrettyPrinter init stdio.errorln("Violated constraint is : " +basicPP.accept(myError.failedConstraint.body, 0)) stdio.errorln(myError.stackTrace) end
![]() | Warning |
Do not forget to initialize the BasicPrettyPrinter ! |