Kermeta tutorial

How to create an EMF meta model?

François Tanguy, Didier Vojtisek, Zoé Drey, Marie Gouyette

Build date: 3-November-2010



This tutorial show how to create an EMF model for the FSM example.

Table of Contents

1. Create a meta-model for Kermeta programs
1.1. Editing a new meta-model with the EMF sample editor
1.2. Resulting meta-model
1.2.1. Metamodel with EMF sample editor
1.2.2. Metamodel with Ecore Tools Diagram Editor
1.3. EMF meta-model creation tips
1.4. External documentation
1.5. Alternative ways to create a meta-model
2. Conclusion

List of Figures

1.1. Selection of the model object (root element)
1.2. Choose a name for your new ecore model
1.3. Selection of the model object (root element)
1.4. New empty ecore model
1.5. How to show properties view
1.6. ecore file into Eclipse
1.7. New child on EPackage root node
1.8. New child on EPackage root node
1.9. Setting the properties of an EReference
1.10. A simple FSM meta-model
1.11. Sample use of Ecore tool diagram editor on top of an ecore file
1.12. Generate Ecore meta-model from Kermeta